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Welcome to the shareware version of QEdit Advanced 2.15!
Copyright 1985 - 1991 by Applied Systems Technologies, Inc.
This version of QEdit is NOT public domain or free software, but is
being distributed as "shareware" for EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY.
The QEdit Advanced software is owned by Applied Systems Technologies,
Inc. (doing business under the tradename SemWare) or its suppliers and
is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty
provisions. SemWare and QEdit are registered trademarks of Applied
Systems Technologies, Inc.
For LICENSE (including Usage and Distribution Restrictions), WARRANTY,
SemWare grants a limited license to individuals to use this shareware
software for a 30-day evaluation period on a private, non-commercial
basis, for the express purpose of determining whether QEdit is suitable
for their needs. At the end of this 30-day evaluation period, the
individual must either purchase a license from SemWare for continued use
of the program, or discontinue using QEdit.
Many hours of work have gone into the development of QEdit - over 10
work-years, as of this version - and that does not include all the time
spent on our users guide/reference manual. In addition, we provide
full-time support, via phone during normal business hours, or mail, fax,
or BBS if you prefer.
QEdit is a professionally developed, packaged, and supported product.
Our product has received excellent reviews, and our manual and product
support are highly regarded by our licensed users. We offer discounts on
updates to our registered users, and we regularly incorporate suggested
changes into the product as we are able.
The only way we can continue to provide products like QEdit and to offer
outstanding technical support, is to stay in business; and the only way
we can stay in business is for those who use QEdit to purchase a license
for it. We like the shareware concept and would like to stay a part of
it. But we can do so only through paid licenses for QEdit. Please don't
take this the wrong way - you may try QEdit for 30 days (subject to the
conditions and restricitons stated in QEDIT.DOC), under no obligation to
pay to use it during that time. However, if you continue to use it after
that 30-day evaluation period, you must purchase a license to do so.
We now have over 90,000 licensed users of QEdit products, worldwide!
QEdit TSR NOW AVIALABLE! For those of you who would like to have access
to your favorite editor at virtually anytime, in the middle of anything
else, we at SemWare are proud to offer you QEdit TSR v1.1. And best of
all, if you have expanded memory (192k minimum) or extended memory (384k
minimum), QEdit TSR will reserve only 9k of DOS memory! See QEDITTSR.DOC
for more details.
QEdit for OS/2 NOW AVAILABLE. If you want THE FASTEST editor available
for OS/2, give SemWare a call!
QEdit is the winner of the Data Based Advisor Readers Choice Award for
best text/program editor of 1989. We thank our users for this vote of
confidence and their continued support!
There is now a GERMAN VERSION of QEdit available. All text displayed by
the program (including the status line!) is in German, and the reference
manual was painstakingly translated by a native German. For information
on ordering the German version you can give SemWare a call. OR if you
prefer, you can call our German distributor, Manfred Luft, directly:
within Germany from the US
VOICE: 0761-580526 011-49-761-580526
FAX: 0761-580547 011-49-761-580547
BBS: 0761-580522 011-49-761-580522
I Contents of QEdit Advanced Shareware Disk
II Technical Support
III Version 2.15 - Release Notes - August, 1991
IV Version 2.10 - Release Notes - February, 1990
File Description
------------ --------------------------------------------------------
Q.EXE The editor program. This is the only file required to
run QEdit Advanced.
QCONFIG.EXE The configuration program.
QCONFIG.DAT The default Keyboard Definition File.
QHELP.TXT The default Help text.
QEDIT.DOC The documentation for the shareware version of QEdit,
including LICENSE and WARRANTY information.
ORDERFRM.DOC Handy order from.
READ.ME The file you are currently reading.
QEDITTSR.DOC Release notes about the new TSR version of QEdit.
VENDOR.DOC Restrictions/Authorizations for Disk Vendor distribution.
Additional files and utilities are provided when you purchase a licensed
copy of QEdit Advanced. These include: An upgrade program, that will
allow you to upgrade your configuration options from QEdit v2.07,
v2.07A, v2.08 or v2.10 to v2.15, PAINLESSLY; an external mouse driver
for QEdit; a macro "compiler" that will translate macros from text to
binary format; and additional keyboard configuration files.
Also, the LICENSED version does not include the opening and closing
shareware reminder screens.
The LICENSED version also comes with an indexed, spiral-bound reference
manual. NOTE: Because of file size limitations, the documentation
(QEDIT.DOC) included in this shareware package does not include the
index. This allows us to include all the shareware files on a single
360K disk.
If you find any other than the 9 files listed here, then you know this
is not the official shareware distribution diskette and/or archive
distributed by SemWare.
Other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
The ONLY file required to run QEdit is Q.EXE - the others are not
required or used by the program.
QEdit comes pre-configured to work on a large range of monitors. Because
of this, the default colors are set up for a monochrome system. If you
have a color system and would like to edit in color, then run the
configuration program (QCONFIG), select the C)olors/screen options, and
change the default colors. Following is a sample set of color
configuration settings that you might like to try:
New attribute for Blocked Text: [127] : 127 (White on Grey)
New attribute for Error msgs: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for Text Area: [27] : 27 (Cyan on Blue)
New attribute for Status Line: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for Cursor Line: [30] : 30 (Yellow on Blue)
New attribute for Messages: [15] : 15 (White on Black)
New attribute for Hi-lited items: [9] : 9 (Blue on Black)
New attribute for EOF line/indicator: [15] : 15 (White on Black)
New attribute for Help screen: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for Box borders: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for PopUp windows: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for Menu items: [112] : 112 (Black on Grey)
New attribute for Selected Menu items: [15] : 15 (White on Black)
We DO NOT release patch files for QEdit, under any circumstances. If you
encounter a "patch" file that modifies your Q.EXE file, be aware that it
does not originate from us, and we cannot be responsible for the
behavior of a patched QEdit. The ONLY program you should use to modify
your copy of Q.EXE, is the QCONFIG program that we supply with Q.EXE. We
cannot provide support for copies of QEdit which have been modified by
other third-party programs. Keep this in mind also when calling for
technical support.
Please make sure you read this entire file in order to take full
advantage of the new commands/features in QEdit.
Due to the tremendous popularity of QEdit, we can give technical support
ONLY to licensed, registered QEdit users. Please have your serial
number handy when you call.
Please! Before you call us with a problem, make sure you have read this
entire READ.ME file to determine if it solves your problem. If you
should need to contact us, please provide or have available the
following information:
QEdit version number, date of Q.EXE from the original diskette, and
serial number
DOS version
Computer model
Amount of RAM
Whether you are using a hard disk or floppy disk based PC
The names of any memory-resident programs you have loaded
You may obtain technical support directly from SemWare as follows:
1. Call our remote electronic bulletin board service. The board is
operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Modem settings are <N81>,
9600 HST, 2400 or 1200 baud. The telephone number is: (404) 641-8968.
2. Write us at:
Technical Support
4343 Shallowford Rd., Suite C3A
Marietta, GA 30062-5022
3. Send Compuserve E-Mail to userid 71520,67
4. Call us directly at SemWare, (404) 641-9002. Support hours are 9 am
to 5 pm (ET), Monday through Friday.
5. Send us a Fax: (404) 640-6213
SemWare is committed to supporting registered users. However, we
request that you reserve telephone support only for questions or
problems requiring immediate attention.
As always, if you have a suggestion that you think would improve our
product, don't hesitate to let us know.
By the way, SemWare has grown! We now have ten full-time people on
staff to help serve you better, and we have also moved to larger
New Commands in QEdit Advanced 2.15 (See explanations later in this file)
Additions to the Menus (command names are in []):
File menu:
"lisT" - invokes the new [ListFiles] command
Block menu:
"copyOver" - invokes the [CopyOverBlock] command
"Fill" - invokes [FillBlock] command
"Sort" - invokes the [Sort] (block) command (a column
block must be marked)
Macro menu:
"Execute scrap" - invokes the [ExecuteScrap] (macro) command
Other menu:
"ascii charT" - invokes the new [AsciiChart] command
General Commands:
Displays a scrollable ASCII chart on the screen.
Displays a list of the currently loaded files. To switch to another
file, move the cursor to the appropriate file and press <Enter>. To
keep editing the current file, press <Escape>.
Intended as a replacement and/or supplement to the [BegLine] command.
Places the cursor at the first non-white character on the line, or
column 1 if the line doesn't have any non-white characters. "White"
characters are tabs or spaces. A useful macro would be:
Home MacroBegin BegLine JTrue done: FirstNonWhite done:
(Explanation: If already at the start of a line, go to the first
non-white character on the line; otherwise, if not already at the start
of a line, go to the start of the line.
Advanced Macro Commands:
The following new commands are intended for QEdit macro writers, to make
certain kinds of macros easier to write.
- This group of macro commands force the indicated mode or setting. If
the setting was already in that condition, they set QEdit's result
code to TRUE; otherwise, they set it to FALSE.
In many cases, macros can behave differently based on the currently
set QEdit modes. The following 3 new commands give you some control
in establishing the proper environment so that your macro will always
work as intended.
Sets Insert mode on. To set Insert mode off (that is, set overwrite
mode on), do the following:
SetInsMode ToggleInsert
Sets AutoIndent mode on. To set AutoIndent mode off, do the
SetAutoIndentMode ToggleIndent
Sets WordWrap mode on. To set WordWrap mode off, do the following:
SetWordWrapMode ToggleWordWrap
- The [Find] command sounds a tone when the search string cannot be
found. This can be irritating in a long-running macro, that may
possibly execute hundreds of finds that fail. The following commands
allow you to selectively turn the sound on and off.
Sets sound on.
Sets sound off.
- Most macros execute dozens of QEdit commands, possibly hundreds of
times. This can cause the screen to flash rapidly as the macro runs.
Not only is this somewhat disconcerting to watch, it actully slows
down the speed of some macros. The following commands allow you to
temporarily suspend or resume screen updating, while a macro is
Turns screen updating on.
Turns screen updating off. You must turn screen updating back on
before your macro prompts for input, or if there is some output from
the macro that you want displayed on the screen.
NOTE: QEdit will AUTOMATICALLY turn screen updating back on when the
macro is finished executing. Thus, it is not necessary to issue the
SetScreenOff command at the end of the macro.
- Many times, it would be nice for a macro to force a few settings, do
its assigned task, and then restore the original settings. The
following commands allow you to do just that. Note that each time
[SaveSettings] is executed, the previous settings saved with
[SaveSettings] are overwritten.
Saves the current settings of: Insert, AutoIndent, WordWrap, Sound,
and Screen Updating.
Restores the saved settings, listed above.
- The following commands set QEdit's result code to TRUE or FALSE based
on the condition being tested. These commands make certain types of
macro tests easier and reliable.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is at column 1; otherwise, FALSE is
Returns TRUE if the cursor is past the last non-white character on
the current line; otherwise, FALSE is returned, including the case
when the cursor is on an empty line.
Returns TRUE if the current line is empty or contains only white
space; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the last line of the currently
edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is on the first line of the currently
edited file; otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Returns TRUE if the cursor is inside a marked block; otherwise, FALSE
is returned.
- In order to tie a few of these concepts together, we present a simple
macro to delete all the blank lines in a marked block. The cursor
should be at the beginning of the block when the macro is invoked.
shift f9 MacroBegin
SetScreenOff * turn off screen for speed
begin: isCursorInBlock jFalse done: * exit if not in block
isEmptyLine jFalse next: * skip if not empty line
isLastLine jTrue last: * special handling for last line
DelLine jump begin: * delete empty lines
next: CursorDown jTrue begin: * try next line
jump done: *
last: DelLine * delete the last line
done: * that's all, folks!
See Appendix E in the documentation (QEDIT.DOC) for complete details
regarding changes made in version 2.10. Following are highlights of
those changes.
"go to line number" configuration option has been removed. This has
been replaced with a command line option. See page E-11 in QEDIT.DOC.
See pages E-13 - E-14 in QEDIT.DOC.
QEdit Changes:
See pages E-2 - E-3, E-5 - E-12 in QEDIT.DOC.
Major additions include:
-Swapping on the [DOS] and [Shell] commands.
-Prompt indicator once in the shell.
-Column blocks can now be deleted [DeleteBlock] <Alt G>, printed
[PrintBlock] <Esc><PB>, and written [WriteBlock] <Alt W> to disk.
-[TabRt]/[TabLt] when pressed while the cursor is inside a marked block
and insert mode is on, can optionally shift the entire block by the
current cursor tab width. This is a configurable option, and is off by
-Find/Replace command changes:
"L" option added to [Find], [FindReplace]. Limits the
Find/FindReplace to the currently marked block. If the cursor is
outside the marked block, or the "G" option is also selected, the
search starts at the beginning of the block. Otherwise, the search
starts at the current cursor position inside the block.
"G" option in [Find], [FindReplace] now works as it does in WordStar
and the Borland editors; i.e., it starts the search at the beginning
of the file.
In [FindReplace] you can now enter a number to limit the number of
The find string is now highlighted after a successful find.
You can press <^Break> to halt a repeated command and/or macro, and
to halt a long [FindReplace].
"U" is a synonym for "I" (ignore case) in the Find/Replace options.
-Conditional logic added to the macro language. See page E-12 in
New Commands:
CenterLine <^OT>
FillBlock <^KL>
RepeatCmd <^QQ>
SetPrintBotMargin <ESC><P><O>
SetPrintTopMargin <ESC><P><T>
ToggleSwap <ESC><O><S>
See pages E-5 - E-8 and E-12 in QEDIT.DOC for reference information.
Additional Notes:
If you are having problems with TSR's not popping up over QEdit, try
turning enhanced keyboard testing off, in the A)dvanced options of
QCONFIG.EXE. See page 2-5 in QEDIT.DOC for additional information.
Handy macro:
With the [FillBlock] command, you can now use the following macro to
move a block, and blank fill the space used by the block, instead of the
text closing in around the block. The macro assumes a block is already
marked. The block will be [Cut] to the clipboard or system scrap
buffer. You can then insert the block where you like by pressing the
[Paste] key <Grey *>:
f10 MacroBegin GotoBlockBeg Cut Paste FillBlock ' ' Return UnmarkBlock
Choose a key (<f10> in the above example), and assign this macro to it
in the QCONFIG.DAT file. Then run QCONFIG (select the Keys option,
enter the name of your QCONFIG.DAT file, and Save your changes). You
now have a "copy with wipe" command!